Hai apa kabar?

Sebetulnya film dengan judul diatas, udah sering banget gue tonton, cuma baru sekarang aja kepikiran buat bikin review– itupun kalo bisa disebut review ya.

I dont like drama and romantic movies.

Weeps, koreksi– gue gasuka film drama dan roman yang happy ending. Considering how masochistic I am, sometimes I enjoy dramatic sad/bad ending much. Gue pernah menonton film yang judulnya Cafe Society (2016) yang diperanin sama Kstew dan Jesse Eissenberg. Very impressive movie, I suppose, baik dari jalur cerita dan settingnya. Lalu pada suatu hari gue menemukan lagi sebuah film yang menurut gue cukup seru, berjudul Kill Your Darlings (2013). For your information, film ini banyak membahas tentang karya literatur, and I bet you’ll be bored if you’re not really into these kind of things. So yeah. Film ini diperankan oleh Daniel Radcliffe dan Dane Dehaan. Another Fyi, Dane Dehaan, as Lucien is a kind of pretty boy in this movie. There’s something about him that will make you feel like….ahh this dude is so pretty– and I dont know if this will work for you too or not, the way he smoke is so contagious. Cuma Dane Dehaan yang bikin lo pengen ikutan nyebat sambil nonton filmnya ketika elo ngeliat scene dimana si Dane lagi ngomong sambil nyebat (which is like….all the scenes possible). Ceritanya, Dane as Lucien, is bisexual, find out that Daniel Radcliffe, as Allen Ginsberg is a very potential freshman in the boring college life that he called him as “An oasis in the wasteland”. Both of them are really insterested in literature things. Allen Ginsberg, si freshman yang punya ide ide gila tapi terlalu takut buat ngerealisasiin dan melanggar aturan-aturan sosial, ketemu sama Lucien (dan beberapa teman yang lain) yang ‘bengal dan liar’. Dan interaksi antara kedua orang ini berjalan dengan sangat asyik dan seru sekali. Mereka berniat mengubah ‘cara lama’ dalam bidang literatur dan menamakannya dengan “The New Vision”. They do a lot of things, including lots of smoke, and liquor, and rebellion, and any other illegal things. Long story short, Allen falls in love to Lucien, and eventhough thats not the most complicated part, I love that part. Because Lucien is such a jerk that is stated by his ex boyfriend as “[…]it’s pretty hurt, isn’t it? We are the people he need, but not that he want.” Uh. Sort of. In the end, Lucien get into the jail because….

Guess what..

Just see the movie then. Ehehehehe.

Film ini ber-setting taun 1950/1960/1970 I dont really paid attention to which one, but its just….cool. You will be enchanted by the way Lucien play his role. He’s sweet, rebel, and lovely at the same time wkwk.

Ketika gue bikin instastory dengan adegan interaksi antara Lucien ama Allen, ada beberapa temen gue yang nanya itu film apa, but mostly yang nanya cowok. Kinda strange but well, okay.

So kalo lo pengen nyari cerita romansa yang ada tema art (Selain Midnight In Paris— that movie is sorta cool), dan rebellion, dan ga mainstream (sih I guess), you better take a look on this movie. Karena gue capek nonton perang-perangan dan kaget tiap kali ada scene bom yang tiba-tiba meledak ngagetin, this movie is kinda “oasis in the wasteland” for me wkwk.

Allen : “It’s complicated.”

Lucien : (grinning) “Perfect, I love complicated.”

So yea.

Love, junk.